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     Meet Our Temple Committees

Temple Beth El’s Council of Committees is made up the Chairs of our many, diverse Committees to foster collaboration and serves as an advisory and consultative body to the Board of Trustees and the Senior Rabbi. Join us in this engaging and important work for our Temple Community.

For Committee details and contact information, 


Organizes classes, events, activities and lectures for adult learning experiences.

Responsible for all aspects of the cemetery.

Responsible for maintaining the facilities (building and campus).

Responsible for budget and financial practices.

Primary entity for effective revenue-generating events and activities.

Promotes and advocates for the State of Israel as a vital component of our identity as American Jews.

Creates and disseminates promotions for event, initiative and religious programming.

Responsible for recruiting, welcoming and integrating members.

Hosts unique programs that are informative, social and fun, as well as raising funds for the Temple.

Responsible to identify, coordinate and pursue volunteer opportunities to promote tikkun olam through mitzvot.

Encourages increased participation in the choir, plans music programs and concerts.

Designs training and evaluation for Leadership development.

Provides guidance, advice and action regarding the acres at the rear of the synagogue.

Oversees and supports our Religious School and Youth Group programming.

Coordinates logistics of worship, facilitates Honors and participation in Shabbat, High Holy Days and other holiday services.

Secures the safety and security of the Temple's clergy, staff, volunteers, congregation, guests, campus and facilities.

Fosters religious, cultural, social and educational activities in the spirit of camaraderie.  Also responsible for running the Gift Shop.

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785