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Shabbat and Study

Temple Beth El celebrates Shabbat with joyous, musical, and participatory services. We join together to sing joyful music that uplifts and excites our souls, as well as experience traditional and meditative moments that connect us to past generations and our deepest selves. Our Erev (Evening) Shabbat services begin every Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. and include reading from our sacred Torah scroll. We use the Reform movement’s prayerbook, Mishkan T'filah, and the prayers are also projected on screens to be easily visible and accessible.


Cantor Beth Schlossberg grew up in Philadelphia, and graduated from the University of Michigan in 2001 with a Bachelor of Music. When she realized that the cantorate would perfectly combine her love of Judaism and of music, she enrolled in the Jewish Theological Seminary at the H.L. Miller Cantorial School. She has served as Cantor with Beth El Synagogue in Omaha, Nebraska, Congregation Kol Ami in Tampa, Florida, and Congregation Shaarey Tikvah in Cleveland, OH. Cantor Beth is also an educator: she has taught voice and piano, and she served as Director of the Judaics Department at the Hillel School of Tampa. She and her husband live in Tampa, FL still and are grateful and honored to be part of the TBE family!

On the second Friday of the month we give a special blessing to everyone who is celebrating at our Birthday and Anniversary Shabbat. On the fourth Friday of the month we have our Good News Shabbat, inviting everyone to share their good news, accomplishments, and nachas, celebrating and thanking God together. 

Temple Beth El welcomes families with young children! We have a vibrant group of families with babies, toddlers and preschoolers who come together for Tot Shabbat at 6:00 p.m. on the first Friday of each month. After services, we join  together for a pizza dinner in the social hall. 

Fulfill a mitzvah at Torah Study with Rabbi Luna, each Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m., as we read and discuss the weekly parsha, how our sages have interpreted it over the years and what it means to us today. No materials or prior Torah or Hebrew knowledge is required.


For information on how to attend services online: 



Mon, December 2 2024 1 Kislev 5785