Erev Shabbat Services, Cantor Beth Schlossberg
Friday, September 6, 2024 • 3 Elul 5784
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Temple Beth El celebrates Shabbat with joyous, musical, and participatory services. TBE congregants have migrated to Southwest Florida from all directions bringing diverse backgrounds of worship and traditions. During our worship services, we join together to sing joyful music that uplifts and excites our souls, as well as experience traditional and meditative moments that connect us to past generations and our deepest selves.
Our Erev (Evening) Shabbat services begin at 7:30pm every Friday evening and includes reading from our sacred Torah scroll. We use the Reform movement’s prayerbook, Mishkan T’filah and the prayers are also projected on screens to be easily visible and accessible.
The service includes both Hebrew and English readings and lasts a little over an hour.
The dress for in-person services is "business casual" – most wear a button down shirt, khaki pants, nice blouse, dress, skirt or dressy slacks.
You are also welcome to join us via Zoom or Facebook Live ( a Facebook account is not required). Please email the office ( for the Zoom link.
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